Appcelereator Titanium

This is a work in progress documentation

Consider it a working place with new things appearing from time to time.

When you find some incorrect information, please send me an email that i can correct it.

Titanium Jira and Roadmap

SDK Release Downloads

JSON with all SDK releases:

The following SDKs are the last releases for the major version.

Downloads Support
Release OSX Windows Linux iOS Android Notes
FIXME Mobile SDK 1.7.x
Mobile SDK 1.8.2 OSX Win32 32bit64bit FIXME FIXME
Mobile SDK 2.1.2.GA OSX Win32 32bit64bit FIXME FIXME
Mobile SDK 2.1.3.RC OSX Win32 Linux FIXME FIXME Release Notes
Mobile SDK 2.1.3.GA OSX Windows 32bit64bit 4.3-6.0 FIXME Release Notes Blog
Mobile SDK 2.1.4.RC OSX Windows Linux 4.3-6.01 FIXME Release Notes Blog
Mobile SDK 3.0.2.RC OSX Windows Linux 4.3-6.1 FIXME Release Notes Blog

Compatiblity Information old Matrix new Matrix

Continious Builds

Desktop SDKs aren't supported by Appcelerator any more. Please visit for the new SDK.

Plugins for Titanium

Open Source github iOS / Android Table coming here