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start [2019/02/15 16:27]
murphy [0irc - the small irc client]
start [2019/04/02 12:35] (current)
murphy [Games]
Line 12: Line 12:
   * [[delphi:​start|Delphi Section]]   * [[delphi:​start|Delphi Section]]
-===== Path.com API ===== 
-[[pathapi:​start|{{:​pathapi:​logo.png|Path.com API}}]] 
-  * [[pathapi:​start|Path.com API]] 
 ===== Titanium ===== ===== Titanium =====
Line 32: Line 26:
 ===== Software ===== ===== Software =====
 +[[coda2:​start|{{:​coda2:​giant_leaf.png?​128|Coda 2}}]]
   * [[coda2:​start|Coda 2]] - Developers friend on OSX for creating web sites   * [[coda2:​start|Coda 2]] - Developers friend on OSX for creating web sites
Line 40: Line 36:
   * [[games:​start|Card and Board Games]]   * [[games:​start|Card and Board Games]]
-    ​* [[games:​computer:​start|Computer Games]]+  ​* [[games:​computer:​start|Computer Games]]
   * [[consoles:​start|Game Consoles]]   * [[consoles:​start|Game Consoles]]
-===== Dokuwiki Help =====+===== Dokuwiki Help and internal stuff =====
 [[wiki:​dokuwiki|{{:​wiki:​dokuwiki-128.png|DokuWiki}}]] [[wiki:​dokuwiki|{{:​wiki:​dokuwiki-128.png|DokuWiki}}]]
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   * [[http://​www.dev0.de|dev0.de]] - my private homepage   * [[http://​www.dev0.de|dev0.de]] - my private homepage
-  * [[http://​games.dev0.de|games.dev0.de]] - big resources for game updates and free games - **currently offline! sorry! will be back online about mid 2013...**+  * [[http://​games.dev0.de|games.dev0.de]] - big resources for game updates and free games - **currently offline! sorry! will be back in future...**
   * [[http://​www.neogen.info|neogen.info]] - my business website   * [[http://​www.neogen.info|neogen.info]] - my business website
   * [[http://​www.kaffeeladen.net|kaffeeladen.net]] - my newest coffee picture   * [[http://​www.kaffeeladen.net|kaffeeladen.net]] - my newest coffee picture
   * [[http://​www.drunkenpenguin.net|drunkenpenguin.net]] - just a fun web site for some tests   * [[http://​www.drunkenpenguin.net|drunkenpenguin.net]] - just a fun web site for some tests