TPNGImage is a complete Pascal (Delphi) library for handling Portable Network Graphics image. It’s now fully supporting semi transparency, and lots of other features.
Disable use of delphi vcls is easy as changing a trigger (see showcase 4).
The chunks engine allows upgrades by registering new chunk types to include new features
Full cyclic redundancy check for all the chunks
Full access to all the data from the chunks
Several derived classes from TChunk to obtain different information such as text keyword and more
Gamma chunk is used to change the image gamma to be displayed as when it was encoded.
No need for any external files, everything is compiled into your exe project
Full comented source code and also well written.
Can read all the images from the official PNG test suite (see showcase 2).
Ability to assign data from a tbitmap or bitmap handle
The PNG images may also be saved
The encoder is optimized to create really small final images when saving. (Actually, check it out, it compresses better than Photoshop 6 and Paint Shop* !!!!)
No chunk is lost when loading an image
Any partial transparent images are supported (see showcase 1)
Bit transparency (tbitmap like) is now supported
Trigger to disable use of Delphi VCL
Full speed when loading and saving.
Provides access to the image data and for the transparency alpha data.
Complete help file using
HTML help