====== Robo Rally ====== {{:games:roborally:roborally.jpg|Robo Rally}} {{:games:roborally:robo_rally_logo_update.png?320|Robo Rally 2016}} RoboRally is a board game originally published in 1994 by Wizards of the Coast (WotC). It was designed in 1985 by Richard Garfield, who would later create the card game Magic: The Gathering. The game and its expansions received a total of four Origins Awards. RoboRally was rereleased in July 2005 under the Avalon Hill label, and again in 2016 by Wizards of the Coast. (([[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RoboRally|Wikpedia]])) This will be updated from time to time as i can.\\ I will try to gather all informations about Robo Rally from the internet and try to complete them here.\\ Some websites vanished and i want to not loose any information on this cool game. ===== Boards ===== * [[https://tartarus.org/gareth/roborally/]] * [[https://spacebug705671078.wordpress.com/spacebugs-robo-rally-map-editing-tutorial/]] * [[http://www.roborally-editor.net/index.html]] * [[http://www.yeoldewebsiteknight.co.uk/roborally/]] ===== New Rules ===== * [[https://entropia.de/RoboRally]] * [[http://roborally.gamerjeff.com/members/NewBoardElements/rules.html]] ===== Links ====== * [[https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/18/roborally|BoardGameGeek (1994)]] * [[https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/216201/robo-rally|BoardGameGeek (2016)]] * [[https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1692639/robo-rally-2016-design-notes|Design Notes (2016)]] * [[https://avalonhill.wizards.com/games/robo-rally|Homepage of the 2016 version]] * [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RoboRally|Robo Rally]] * [[http://www.haegers.net/boardgames/roborally/|Robo Rally bei haegers.net]] ===== Videos ===== * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v4FiDeQXZg|Grace Hopper Academy Capstone Project: Robo Rally]] ===== web.archive.org Links ====== * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20160908220712/http://www.roborally.nl:80/wb/|Netherlands Fanpage]]